Refreshing our look was important to us…
… but so are our clients, as without them we’re just a bunch of guys creating without a brief. And we’d like to thank them for their loyalty, as their return journeys continue to inspire and challenge us.
But this internal project of ours, that of redefining our digital personality, feels long overdue. It got pushed onto the backburner, as business continuity, naturally, always trumped internal duties.
Though rather than just showcasing our clients' final products on our new site, we wanted to go behind the scenes and explore our early workings, to say how we arrived at those final products.
And we think the result exhibits not only the best of us, but the best of them, as our partners Function & Form Digital directed us as to the way we should present ourselves.
They knew we sought more than just a traditional portfolio site, and that we were keen to explain our processes. So, following their thorough research, they put together some initial designs and the framework.
Loftworks are unique, and therefore needed something completely unique to present themselves. They are fun and easy to work with, yet also careful, calm and direct. This straight talking nature was why we decided to build a site that takes you straight to their work, past the cliche waffle you find on their competitor sites in favour of testimonials. Todd Padwick, Creative Director – Function & Form
And Function & Form were great. As through the longevity of our relationship they know what makes us tick. They also know that we pride ourselves on building enduring relationships, and the traits that make these alliances special.
They also realise that we don’t consider ourselves as the story. Nor do we seek any limelight. Instead, as the designers, editors and distributors we direct our clients towards that limelight.
For us, the ‘whys’ and the ‘hows’ are tales worth hearing. Our client’s backstories are integral, they flow through everything we produce so we wanted a site that was fluid, engaging and informative.

Built for the future
… as this is just the start of our new digital adventure. As our new home will always be a work in progress. And with a new dedicated blog space we promise creativity, exploration and a voice for our whole team.
The growth of these new channels will be tools for our expression, and as designers and videographers, these tools will help empower us. And over time, our journal canvas will become richer and fuller. So, check back regularly.
In the meantime, mi casa es su casa, we hope you like what we’ve done with the place.
Make yourself at home… then we can talk about you.